
Plastic Waste : A Global & Thailand Challenge


  1. 270 million tons plastic waste from 192 countries in 2010
  2. Estimated 12.7 million tons entering the ocean every year
  3. Thailand is 6th most plastic marine debris producer in the world
  4. Thailand mismanaged over 400,000 tons of plastic into the ocean per year
Recycle Plastic Waste : A Global & Thailand Challenge

What is Upcycling by GC

Used plastic is recycled into fashion and daily life items under trademark "Upcycling by GC". Approximately 505,000 PET bottles are recycled to selling products which can be reduced greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 44.69 tons equivalent and equals to planting 4,965 trees.

GC Upcycling Process?


What is Carbon Footprint ?

Carbon footprint is the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases such as methane, laughing gas, etc. emitted from products or services (according to ISO 14040) over a life cycle. The source of such gas comes from activities such as the use of electricity, the use of fossil fuels. Processes in industrial or agricultural sectors, etc.

Carbon footprint measures the impact of products and services from the quantitative environmental human activity by using Global Warming Potential (GWP) as the indicators and we all also know that IT industry causes the global warming these days. So we should study carbon footprint and work together to reduce pollution as much as we can.

What is GC Upcycling Carbon Footprint Tag

Carbon Footprint